Alaffia is also committed to supporting local charitable organizations that support and empower the underprivileged. We have been long-time supporters of The Other Bank and SafePlace Olympia. These organizations were founded with the goal of supporting abused women and children. Recently we formed a new partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Thurston County, and were able to donate 25 bicycles to underprivileged kids for the holidays. These alliances are a part of our growing commitment to all communities, and the recognition that empowerment everywhere can make an impact. Alaffia will continue to support local businesses and create meaningful partnerships that impact societies in both the United States and West Africa. Alleviating poverty and e mpowering communities is a global issue and Alaffia is committed to lending a helping hand.
They do business with integrity and rational thinking. Overall, it's an excellent place to work, with products that are winning in the marketplace.