Founded in 1971, American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) is the nonprofit wholesale power supplier and services provider serving 135 members, who include 134 member municipal electric systems in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana and Maryland, as well as the Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation, a joint action agency with nine members headquartered in Smyrna, Delaware. Combined, AMP’s member utilities serve more than 650,000 customers. \r\n\r\nAMP is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, with more than 160 employees at headquarters and generating facilities. The organization is governed by a 21-member Board of Trustees consisting of 20 member communities and one representative of DEMEC. \r\n\r\nAMP’s mission is to provide its members with the benefits of scale and expertise in providing and managing energy services. AMP offers a wide variety of services on a cooperative, nonprofit basis for the mutual benefit of all member communities. These include power supply, environmental, finance, technical, legislative, regulatory and legal services, and lineworker and safety training. AMP’s vision is to be public power’s leader in wholesale energy supply and value-added member services. \r\n\r\nThe organization develops, manages and supplies diverse, competitively priced, reliable wholesale energy to public power members. That diversified resource mix includes wholesale power purchases through AMP and on the open market, plus energy produced from a variety of baseload, intermediate and distributed generation assets using natural gas, advanced coal, hydro, wind, landfill gas, diesel and solar.
They do business with integrity and rational thinking. Overall, it's an excellent place to work, with products that are winning in the marketplace.